Scientific articles

Selected scientific articles authored by Dr Holm, 

see the entire publication list here

1. Treatment in the primary sector with the following effects:

​74% of patients reduce degree of obesity

Improvement of quality of life

Reduction in blood pressure

Reducing obesity and increasing quality of life, physical activity, mood, body perception and reducing appetite and bullying with the digital solution DrHolmApp

2. Treatment in the secondary sector with the following effects:

69% and 75% reduce degree of obesity

Reduction in cholesterol levels

Reduction in blood pressure

Reduction of fatty liver and muscle fat

Improvement of quality of life

Parents reduce degree of obesity

90% achieve improvements in cholesterol levels, degree of obesity, and lean body mass 

Equally effective treatment response despite familiar predispositions to obesity related comorbidities

Equally effective treatment response despite impaired glucose metabolism

Equally effective treatment response despite a genetic risk score composed of 15 commonly occurring genes with impact on development of obesity in children and youth

Equally effective treatment response despite disturbed eating behavior

Reduction of sleep apnea

Reducing obesity and increasing quality of life, physical activity, mood, body perception and reducing appetite and bullying with the digital solution DrHolmApp

Equally effective treatment response independent of gestational age, birth weight and birth length

Danish recommendations based on this method

International recommendations for the treatment of youth with obesity

3. Obesity related complications in children and adolescents

27% exhibit dyslipidemia

31% exhibit liver and 66% exhibit muscle steatosis

50% exhibit pre- or overt hypertension

10,4% exhibit subclinical hypothyroidism

16,5% exhibit vitamin D deficiency

44% exhibit sleep apnea

14% exhibit prediabetes

4. Medication to children and adolescents with obesity

Patients with MC4R mutations are more difficult to treat

Patients with MC4R mutations (heterozygous) can be treated with medicine

Inconsistencies in dosage of medication in children and youth with obesity

Patients with MC4R mutations (homozygous) can be treated with medicine

5. Genetic aspects of childhood obesity

Identification of 3 new genes with impact on obesity in children and youth

Genetic risk score describing insulin sensitivity, metabolic disease and altered fat distribution

Genetics and thyroid hormones

Genetics, birth weight and cardiovascular disease later in life

Maternal and fetal genetic effects on birth weight and their relevance to cardio-metabolic risk factors

6. Pregnancy and early growth

Affected birth weight and length of pregnancy

Obesity related markers of gestational diabetes

Association between birth weight, degree of obesity, and body composition

PCOS and obesity

7. Other effects of childhood obesity

The gut microbiome can induce obesity

Physical activity in children and adolescents with obesity

Investigation of sensory-specific satiety

8. Markers of childhood obesity

Reference values for markers of obesity and comorbidities

Changes in markers of obesity and comorbidities following obesity treatment

Relation between high blood glucose and obesity related comorbidities

9. Regarding obesity as a chronic disease and the lack of available treatment options

Position statement for declaring obesity as a chronic disease in Europe

Lack of available treatment clinics in Denmark

Proposal for new diagnostic criteria for obesity

10. Treatment and ethics

The ethics in childhood obesity treatment

11. COVID-19

Obesity and COVID-19 from The European Association

Obesity, COVID-19 and the immune system from The European Association

Contact us to learn more about the HOLBAEK-model

​​Please contact us for more information on our treatment model that provide a life with better health. Call Dr Holm and hear more about The HOLBAEK-model 

by phone:​ +45 61464463 

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Dr Holm

Dr Holm

CVR: 28050542

Dr Holm Health ApS
CVR: 39247488

Dr Holm App ApS
CVR: 38974211